The Pea Ridge Fire Department uses the NWA PAI protocol under the direction of Brad Johnson MD.
Below is the PRFD requirements for PAI PCR documentation
Below is a link to the RSI/PAI overview on the Arkansas Department of Health website
Please review this video of endotracheal intubation
i-gel is our supraglottic airway device
The Airtraq is one of our video laryngoscopes available
The King Vision is our other video laryngoscope
Etco2 is to be used with EVERY intubation ! ! ! and is to be recorded secondary to establishing a advanced airway. Dr Johnson has asked that minimum five confirmations be documented if possible.
- Etco2 waveform printed
- Mist in the tube
- Visualization of tube passing through cords if witnessed
- Negative epigastric sounds
- Bilateral lung sounds present
Please click the link below to review content about capnography
Slap the Cap! The Role of Capnography in EMS ( Pharmacological Assisted IntubationApneic oxygenation (nitrogen wash out) see in NWA PAI protocol
OG tube placement (preformed if time and circumstance allows ) see guideline in NWA protocols
Bougie device is available in our intubation kits
Review these tracheostomy videos for additional airway training (PRFD has multiple trach/stoma patients)
NWA Regional PAI Protocol